Transplant Center Organ Call Experts
The most trusted industry veterans for outsourced DonorNet® call solutions throughout the U.S. Providing seasoned coordinator expertise to your center's ever increasing demands on resources.
CORE Responsibilities
DonorNet® Organ Screening (Taking Referral Call)
Transportation Coordination (Coordinating getting the organ from procurement to O.R. & surgical team transportation)
QAPI / CMS Record Keeping for your center’s offers
Provide unmatched detailed data collection, interpretation and presentation quickly and accurately so our client partners are comfortable knowing quality assurance and process improvements are a top priority.
Seek to constantly learn, modify and refine as necessary. We understand that medicine and transplant are an ever changing, and we have the capabilities to adjust accordingly.
Keep our costs of services reasonable & competitive without sacrificing the quality of the services, expertise and/or professionalism we strive to provide.
Hire and more importantly retain highly skilled and transplant competent staff to ensure our center clients have the best coordinators working with their programs.
Stay agile so that our clients, staff & their patients are not negatively affected by adaptations when unforeseen regulations or processes change.\
Stay on the forefront of technology. We strive to shift with the times and to give our clients the most seamless and user friendly work relationship possible by utilizing the best available resources we can.
The Process We Follow
Decline Process
Based on *Transplant Center’s predetermined/ provided organ criteria (provided by surgeons) our highly experienced coordinators will evaluate and put in a provisional yes or appropriate refusal codes if criteria deems necessary.
If declined, enter data into our proprietary real time report portal and all determining factors as to decision to decline.
* The transplant center’s surgeons will give us THEIR absolute rule out criteria that we follow. Either we can provide a helpful predetermined form guide (regularly used by other clients), OR the center is welcome to provide their own.
Accept Process
If/ When we become primary on offer, fill out TCOA offer sheet and input details into our proprietary portal data, with all data that transplant center client will need during report. Call the transplant surgeon and/or specialist from transplant center and give full detailed report of donor history, organ function,all labs and diagnostics. Inform physician of who is coming up for the organ, days on waitlist, age, height and weight.
Relay to OPO personnel if any other labs or diagnostics will be needed, preferred OR times, and any question the doctors have.
Work with OPO to set OR times and, if needed, transportation to donor hospital.
Work with transplant center to inform all parties of transplant plans—fellows, OR, Surgical teams. TCOA transportation works hand in hand with OPO and Transplant Center to arrange all transportation, if requested.
Additional Notes
*If requested as part of the contract by the center - we will call patient, check on their health, and bring them into the hospital. We will enter a bed request and contact house supervisor, bed control, the floor where patient is to be admitted and ICU that the patient will be post-transplant. If requested as part of the contract by transplant center - we will initiate the ABO verification process and organ check in. We will update all parties of changes in OR times or any delays that occur.
From the donor OR , TCOA will stay in constant contact with the transplant center throughout OR to keep them in the know of visuals, delays, cross clamp times and organ extraction times. TCOA keeps transplant surgeons informed of ETA of organ to their OR.